A Few Words

About Us


A Few Words About Us

Epolygon is an engineering consulting company located in Chennai & Coimbatore, India.  We have a separate engineering division for power & process plants. We have an energetic qualified engineers & designers with sufficient engineering background to satisfy the client requirements. We are also focusing on CAD & Analysis training & development , Man Power Supply related to Power & Process Plants and Customization in CAD to reduce the engineering Cost .

Our Mission, Vision, Goals & Core Values

Our Mission is to deliver the engineering related deliverable’s with high degree of quality within the committed schedule &
target to achieve the client mission. We always comply with client procedures, ethics & safety Policies.


Our Vision is to  expand the company with more technical
innovations & Ideas by competing the present market trend and to become the cheapest low-cost engineering execution center to compete in the present market.

Our Goal is to Increase the profit margin & efficiency of the company to Capture a  market share by Providing the better customer service &  to focus always on improving employee training in the key areas


Our Core values are Integrity, Quality, Teamwork, Trust, Commitment to Customers & Continuous Improvement.

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